Sunday Morning Services
Our morning service starts at 11.00 am.

Our services are based on teaching from the Bible, sung worship (using a mix of both modern songs and traditional hymns) and times of prayer and liturgy. We have a mixture of Sunday morning services: Morning Prayer and a Holy Communion Service which includes taking communion as part of the service. All comitted Christians who love and follow Jesus, and who take part in communion in their church fellowship are welcome to participate in communion with us.
Our services are quite relaxed and usually last about 75 minutes. We want you to feel at home with us. People of all ages attend our services. If you have young children, please don’t worry if they make some noise during the service.
Our service format is easy to follow, and led from the front so it is always clear what’s going on. Words for the songs, hymns and responsive prayers are projected on a large screen so it’s easy to take part if you want to, but don’t worry if you’d prefer to stay seated or would rather not join in the singing or responses.
Because we love to chat and socialise, tea and coffee is served after the service. Whether you’re new to Holy Trinity or have been before, please stay for a drink and a chat.