Coffee Bar

Coffee Bar

Coffee Bar is open from 10am to 12.00 noon on Mondays & Wednesdays, and between 10am and 1pm on Fridays [Coffee Bar will close for a two week summer break between Monday 29th July and Friday 9th August – we will re-open on Monday 12th August]

As well as hot and cold refreshments* and our very popular craft & activities areas, Coffee Bar:


  • Provides a welcoming, supportive and accessible space for all
  • Is a place of community and friendship
  • Offers pastoral and practical care & support
  • Connects people with other organisations and services in Warrington
  • Includes a group for Cantonese speakers on Mondays
  • Maintains a strong safeguarding environment

Coffee Bar’s offering includes *

Rev Jill and Steve are supported by an experienced team of friendly volunteers. Our team is on hand to help in any way we can. Whether it’s by offering refreshments, a listening ear or practical help, the Coffee Bar team is core to our mission of seeking to reflect the love of Christ in the heart of Warrington.

Thank you to our funders – your support is making such a difference, helping us to serve more people in the heart of Warrington.

Warrington Charities Trust; Warrington Borough Council’s Cost of Living Fund; Warrington Borough Council’s Community Initiative Fund; Co-op Warm Space Crowdfunder; Stewardship Warm Space Fund; Multiply Fund; Benefact Trust Warm Space Fund; all our individual donors.

*Because we are committed to providing our customers with affordable food and drinks, we don’t charge for refreshments. Coffee Bar works on a donation basis and every penny you give helps us to stay open – the more you donate, the more we can do