Mid Week Groups

Mid Week Groups

Midweek groups and prayer meetings

Home Groups

Home group
Home group

We have several home groups, each with their own character and emphasis. Holy Trinity believes the bible is relevant to us today. At the heart of life at Holy Trinity is a desire to meet with God and at a home group we can study God’s Word, pray and care for each other in ways that aren’t possible in a large Sunday service. A typical home group  reads a bible passage and  then discusses social topics and issues from a Christian and biblical perspective that is faithful to the bible, and relevant to the world. The groups meet on different days and at different times: there is sure to be one to suit you. Contact Andrea in the office on 01925 574480 to find out more.


Prayer Meetings

Opportunities to pray together with other members of our Holy Trinity family include 9.45 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Garven Room; with your home group; a mixed in-person and Zoom prayer meeting every other Sunday at 6.30 pm at Daphne’s house; and a Zoom prayer meeting every other Tuesday at 8.00 pm with our sister church, St Ann’s Church, Orford. 

If you would like us to pray for something, please get in touch in whichever way suits you best – eg email Shirley at shirley@htwarrington.org.uk, Steve at steve@htwarrington.org.uk or Andrea at admin@htwarrington.org.uk; write your request and leave it in the prayer request box near the servery; leave a message on the church answering machine.