In the Church of England each church has a geographical area that it has specific responsibility for.
Holy Trinity Church is one of two parishes making up the United Benefice of Holy Trinity and St Ann’s. Holy Trinity is an Evangelical Anglican Church located in Warrington Town Centre. As a C of E church we are part of the Liverpool Diocese and the Deanery of Warrington. We have links with Churches Together in Warrington, the Evangelical Alliance and a number of mission organisations.
We look forward to welcoming you to our church family.
The approximate boundaries of the Holy Trinity parish are outlined in blue in the map below, the red line marks the shared boundary to St Anne’s Parish.

Even if you live outside these boundaries you are still very welcome to worship with us and become part of the Church family. Most of our congregation lives outside the parish boundary.
Map : Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] 2015