News (Page 33)
Men’s Table Tennis
You are invited to a non-competitive Table Tennis social evening on Saturday 15th November at Hillcliffe Baptist Church, Red Lane Appleton 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Please bring your own soft drinks & snacks to share. Sign on the sheet at the back of church. This is a joint event with Hillcliffe’s men’s group.
Parish weekend update
The Parish Weekend at Beechwood Court Conway was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Helen Franklin was our speaker for the weekend with the theme ” Who do you think you are?”. Helen encouraged us to look at some of the people in our christian family tree. Our sessions were ‘Preachers of the word’, ‘People of prayer and ‘Jars of…
Zip Wire
Marie Aitken, who came to our last WYFC Sunday, is raising funds to support the Gap year students at WYFC, one of whom is Simon Schnell. Marie is doing a sponsored zip wire run this Friday 14th November. If you would like to support Marie, please let Alison Crane have your donation in an envelope marked ‘Marie’ and Alison will make sure Marie gets the gift.
Room at the Inn Concert
The University of Manchester Music school and the Cheshire Flute Quartet are performing at a candlelight concert at Cairo Street Unitarian Chapel on Saturday 29th November from 7 – 8:30 pm. Tickets cost £10 and all proceeds go to the Room at the Inn homeless shelter. There will be fireworks during the interval and mulled wine will be served. Visit…
Operation Christmas Child
Janet Lazarus has bought 50 flat pack shoe boxes from Operation Christmas Child for this year’s Christmas appeal. They don’t need covering with Christmas paper, Hurray! Do you think we will fill them all? Since 1990 Operation Christmas Child has been blessing underprivileged children around the world with gift-filled shoe boxes. You can contribute this year…
Congratulations Daniel
Daniel has kept very quiet about a very important event in August 2015. He is going to get married!! His wife to be is called Jacqueline Irungu. She is based in Nairobi at the moment.
Simon Schnell
We look forward to welcoming Simon Schnell. Simon is our Time for God volunteer for 2014-15. He comes from Hamburg in Germany. Simon’s sister also served with Time for God which is what gave Simon the idea for a year out before going to university.