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Bible Text: John 20:24-30 | Preacher: Ian Lazarus Ian began by discussing the BBC/Comres survey with the controversial headline 'Ressurection did not happen, say quarter of Christians.' He explained that…
Bible Text: Luke 22:1-27 | Preacher: Rev Caroline Batey | Series: Meals with Jesus This sermon was not recorded
Preacher: Rev Shirley Cowan During lent we have been preparing for the Easter weekend. In this Palm Sunday passage, Jesus is coming to Jerusalem as King. The people lined the…
Bible Text: Luke 15:11-31Series: Meals with Jesus This sermon was not recorded
Bible Text: Luke 14:12-24 | Preacher: Rev Caroline Batey | Series: Meals with Jesus
Bible Text: Luke 9:10-17 | Preacher: Rev Caroline Batey | Series: Meals with Jesus The story of the feeding of the 5,000 appears in all four gospel accounts. Luke tells…
Bible Text: Luke 7:36-50 | Preacher: Ian Lazarus | Series: Meals with Jesus Jesus' annointing by a sinful woman The woman is very aware of her sin and need for…
Bible Text: Luke 5:27-31 | Preacher: Rev Caroline Batey | Series: Meals with Jesus Caroline introduced our new sermon series 'Meals with Jesus ' this morning. This sermon was not…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 12:27-43 | Preacher: Rev Shirley Cowan | Series: Nehemiah Dedication of the walls (the end of the project). Before the walls were dedicated the priests and Levites purified…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 8:1-18 | Preacher: Ian Lazarus | Series: Nehemiah Ezra reads the law, Levites teach, people respond. Nehemiah is divided into two parts. The first 7 chapters are about…