We are about to start the Shape course at Holy Trinity over the next 6 Sundays. So what is the Shape course and why are we doing it?
Paul writes in his letter to the Corinithians that the Church is like a body, and that we are all different but interdependent parts of the body. Each of us has a unique role to play which will be shaped just for us. Effective mission by God’s Church needs us all to play our parts.

The SHAPE course aims to help every day followers of Jesus work out their place in God’s mission. Over 6 sessions, it looks at our
Spiritual Gifts, Heart’s Desires, Abilities, Personality and Experience
The Shape course helps us to identify the gifts, skills and interests that we can individually contribute to mission. We can become more aware of how we have been shaped and together can work out where God may be calling us to next.
Later on this year the Cultivate course will help us to put the parts together to make plans for ministry and mission in the new united parish being created by the Fit for Mission process.
Watch the video below to find out more