Our day out at the Cathedral’s WACATTACK 2015 (Warrington Archdeaconry Cathedral Attack) will take place on Saturday 31st October between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. in and around the Cathedral. This year their theme is ‘THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE’.
The Ven Peter Bradley, Archdeacon of Warrington says:
“This will be a day which will enable us to:
– Celebrate the life of the Archdeaconry – family fun and fellowship
– Commit ourselves to the challenges and changes that lie ahead
– Worship together with an Archdeaconry Eucharist with Bishop Richard as our preacher
– Say farewell to Archdeacon Peter and Pat as Peter retires as Archdeacon
I hope that as many members of the congregation as possible will come along on the day and that members, clergy and Readers will attend the Eucharist. “
The day will include activities such as a climbing wall, caving, Brass Band, birds of prey, crafts, Farmer’s Market and much, much more with opportunities for all of us to look at, and share, what has changed in our parishes, our churches, our schools, our families and our faith, as well committing ourselves to those challenges and changes that lie ahead I look forward to meeting you and hope that you will feel able to respond to this opportunity to gather together as an Archdeaconry, for the last time in its present form, both to enjoy the very real building that is our magnificent Cathedral as well as enjoying a time to get to know each other better.
Please sign the list at the back of church if you can offer or need a lift.