


“Getting Married?”

 We understand that you want your big day to be special, and we would be happy to help and support you as you plan your church wedding.  If you would like to know more about getting married at Holy Trinity Church please ring the office or contact us

Most couples choose two or three hymns, as well as  music to be played as the bride enters and as the couple leave the church. For ideas about hymns, music or readings and prayers for your wedding follow the Church  of England Ceremony planner link below.


Banns are an announcement and a legal requirement of your intention to marry and have to be read out on 3 Sundays prior to the Wedding, in the parishes where each of you lives.

The Banns are read at the  Sunday morning service at Holy Trinity Church, which starts at 11.00 a.m..

If anyone would like their Banns read because they live in our parish and are getting married elsewhere, please call the office 01925 574480 or contact us.


As Holy Trinity is a Town Centre church special permission needs to be obtained from Warrington Council to allow access for a bridal car to pull up outside Holy Trinity. For more details please call the office 01925 574480 or contact us.

Read more about church Weddings . Or if you have any questions about church weddings please follow the link to the church of England  FAQ about Weddings.