Alice Mitchell’s February Newsletter

Alice Mitchell’s February Newsletter

Alice Mitchell is working with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Cyprus, and will have completed two years there in the summer of 2017. Cyprus has a small student movement (CyFES), keen to grow and reach out. This is a pioneering movement, and the work is mainly amongst international students at this stage. The ministry is very relational, with a strong focus on sharing Christ through love and friendship, evangelising and encouraging by example. 

Alice and Gabi (from Portugal) have had the joy of setting up the first ever Christian Union in Nicosia, coaching young student leaders who have proved themselves in their seriousness to know the Scriptures and reach out evangelistically to the three universities in the city. Gabi and Alice also continue to meet individually with seekers for Bible study, as well as supporting other groups in different cities around the island.
Alice says “Thank you for your love and support. Every blessing, Alice” 
This is her latest newsletter. 
Alice Mitchell Feb 2017 prayer letter