Our Annual Meeting (the APCM)  will be on 29th March.

APCM Agenda pngAPCM Agendas Available from Simon Schnell  Please take a copy home to read.

Elections to PCC are due at the APCM. There are two vacancies to fill. Bruce and Penny Grahame and Paul Morgan will be standing down this year.



If you are on the electoral roll of Holy Trinity, you may nominate or second a proposal for people to fill these posts. Please prayerfully consider who you would like to nominate.  Current Wardens are Colin Downes and Richard Nunn. Current Deanery Synod reps are Colin Downes and Ian Lazarus.

Nomination forms are available on the board at the back of church for both the two PCC members and the two Wardens. Deanery Synod elections are not due. Please prayerfully consider who you might nominate for these four posts.

Completed forms should be handed to the PCC Secretary, Janet Lazarus, or left in her pigeon hole at the back of church.

There will be a bring and share lunch after the service and the APCM will follow on from the lunch.