At the heart of the Christian faith is the belief in a God who is three in one, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. As human beings, we are made in the image of God, so it should be no surprise to us, that we too are made three in one: body, mind and spirit.
This ten week Course, is aimed at helping us to discover a little more about the third member of the Trinity and his role in the church. Then help us to explore and discern what are our, unique God-given gifts.
This course is a unique opportunity to listen to Revd Phil Janvier, the author of ‘The Holy Spirit Course: More than just words’.
To assist you through the course a members manual (2nd edition) is available and there will be copies of this for you to look at on the night (cost for manual £5.99).
This course will start on Wednesday 20th September at St Ann’s Church, Central Avenue, Orford. Refreshments will be available from 7pm for a 7.30 start.
All are welcome to come and explore more about the Holy Spirit and the gifts that are available to you.