Over the next six weeks we will be looking at a sermon series on the book of Nehemiah.
This morning Ian introduced the series by looking at Nehemiah Chapter 1 v 1-11.
The book of Nehemiah is the last historical book of the Old Testament. Jerusalem’s Temple has been rebuilt but the the city walls are in ruins. Nehemiah’s brother travelled almost 1,000 miles to bring news of the perilous state of Jerusalem. Nehemiah is upset at this news. His response is to pray and seek God’s wisdom.
Nehemiah’s prayer
He starts with God, acknowledging God as the Lord of Heaven
He confesses Israel’s and his own sin and need for repentance
He is persistent in prayer and continues to pray day and night
He claims the promise in Deuteronomy 30- that if they confess their sin and turn back to God, God will restore them
He prays that he can be part of the solution and acts only after prayer.
The sermon series on Nehemiah will be over 6 weeks and will cover:
Week 1. Ch 1 v 1-11 Setting the scene and starting with prayer (8th Jan)